Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obscure Music Roundup!!!!!!!

Ok folks its been awhile since my last update and I know that I promised some reviews of new movies, however I am poor as hell right now so instead its time for me to introduce you to some crazy music that you may or may not have heard of, and that I can write about for free. Just a disclaimer, I am not an expert on many of these bands, in fact I know little to nothing about most of them because I have one or two songs from a mixtape I picked up god only knows how long ago.  The purpose of this post is to expose people to something new and weird.

For Example you may have heard a little snippit of this following song for the commercial to skate 2, the song is called "Ince Ince" by Selda Bagcan, a turkish folk singer. (You will soon see that for some reason I love Turkish music) Anyway just give the song a listen, its like a crazy middle eastern Jefferson Airplane or something. I first heard this song on a Cd given to me by a friend, he thought it was a mix of Israeli music, I was able to figure out that it was mostly Turkish music, but it was virtually impossible to get any information about the album itself or any of the artists featured on it.  All I know is that 90% of them kicked some serious ass. 

Here is the song remixed slighty by "Dr. No's Experiment" Awesome. 

Ok time to get away from turkish music for a second and onto the good old USA, Another band that I think is really interesting and definitely an aquired taste is cLOUDDEAD (dont ask me why they capitalize it like that).  This band is a trip... very experimental hip hop that borders on noise at times with some bizarre beats and distortion effects.  If I had to call this band anything I guess it would be Sludge-Hip Hop fusion. Anyway anyone who is familiar with the Anticon Label may know these guys or may know the 3 members of the band individually as Why? Odd Nosdam and DoseOne. 

Now, Onto one of my favorite Genres, METAL
First off we have Acid Drinkers, which is a polish metal band with weird accents and a crazy eastern european sense of humor.
These guys have a rediculous amount of original material with 6 albums that I know of, they may have even more that I havent found, they are also willing to cover just about any song that you can think of, on youtube they have covers of Kashmir, Ace of Spades, Proud Mary, NIB, and others. These guys were definitely heavily influenced by classic rock and 80's power metal and traditional heavy metal.

This is my Favorite of their songs:

Time to throw in some thrash metal, from Turkey no less. this is Mezarkabul (The Pentagram)

And for the Coup De Grace, one of the most hardcore badass black metal bands that scandanavia has ever graced us with, Antestor. Wait a minute is this a Christian Black metal Band? it seems like a contradiction but I guess life is full of contradictions. The band is still completely rad if you like black metal however so give it a listen.

Okay Navigating away from Metal, here is a little Erkin Koray, another singer from Turkey who is known for his psychadelic style and his electric baglama, his album Elektronik Turkuler is a must for people who like either psychadelic music, middle eastern instrumentation coupled with a healthy dose of experimentation (and probably drugs).

And if you have not watched a single one of these videos I would really recommend not to pass this one up:
Fast forward to 4:40 to hear what may be the one of the sweetest breakdowns in music.  Really what makes the breakdown so sweet however is the 4 minutes of weird crap you have to listen to to get to it first though so I reccomend the whole song.

Last but not least, I recently stumbled across a rapper from Alberta Canada that Does a pretty good job expounding on the Wu-Tang obsession with Kung-Fu and well crafted beats.  Of course his delivery could use less fake hip hop bravado and his guest rappers are generally better than him but still, I give you: White Lotus.

More Obscure Music Roundup to come sometime in the future... Stay Tuned.


  1. I'm in Ghana so it'll take me like a day to load all these, but I'm pretty excited. I'll let you know what I think. Also I had no idea you had such eclectic and awesome taste in music.
