Part 1: Portland Pride
Ok folks time for some more obscure music. First off the bat is Ether Circus, a band recently brought to my attention by my wife who is somehow related to the drummer/ organist. Of course when she asked me to take a look at this band I groaned inwardly because when it comes to musical tastes Danielle and I are a little bit like oil and water. However these guys are legit. They are a little like hardcore punk however more approachable and with an organ that kind of gives it a trippy and distinctly original type of feel that sets it apart from your average dime a dozen punk band.
Besides the Organ, the other instruments are well polished and the lyrics and vocals are what I would expect from a standard above-average punk throwback band.
Definitely check these guys out at Give the song "the Quarry" a listen.
Part 2: The cLOUDDEAD diaspora.
So last time on Obscure Music Roundup we were introduced to cLOUDDEAD, the flagship artist of the anticon record label. This week we are going to take a look at Doseone, Why? and Odd Nosdam the 3 men who made up this legendary indie experimental group and have gone on in completely different yet equally weird directions.
First up is Yoni Wolf the headman for Why? and former cLOUDEAD member.
This guy is a good song writer however he is really really weird:. His lyrics are more about creating some kind of image in your head than in really conveying a coherent idea, its actually a little bit like avant guard poetry and expressive imagery set to music.
Here's a music video
and another:
This is just a song but is its one of my favorites:
The next artist we'll be examining is Doseone, who is more Pure Hip-Hop as opposed to Why? 's Indie rock leanings also due to the fact that he is a hip hop artist he is a little more constrained to use lyrics that make a little more sense and have to rhyme more consistently. His delivery is a little lacklustre if you ask me compared to his time in clouddead.
He is probably my least favorite of the three former members of cLOUDDEAD
The comments after this video say it all: "He makes me feel dumb all the time but I learned many words from him and use them all the time ^.^" -Some jackass.
This one is pretty solid:
Last but definitely not least is Odd Nosdam the former DJ of cLOUDDEAD, His beats go from bordering on hip hop to being more like ambient music. He is very popular with skateboarders due to the fact that he was featured in the skate video "This is My Element" sponsered by element skate boards. He did the music for all the skaters in the video, the soundtrack was also released as and album called the T.I.M.E. soundtrack. It is very approachable music offering a little something for everyone.
This is a sweet hip hop track along with a fan vid:
Here is a little bit of ambient experimental with a guest vocalist:
and some more of the same:
And finally one of his songs from the T.I.M.E. soundtrack:
Finally to end this post on a gansta note. Felipe Coronel a.k.a. Immortal Technique the Peruvian born battle rapper and current president of Viper Records. The reason you may not have heard of Tech, even though you should have is because his raps are mostly about social justice, politics, and how much major all the record labels can pretty much suck it. If you are either really liberal, or think that corporations are the devil than you will probably really enjoy this music. His quick wits and inventive beats are what really set him apart in a hip hop market that is oversaturated with mediocre artists.
An older song featuring Mos Def
Heres a song I mentioned in an older post about Pumpkinhead who is also in this song:
Another older one with what is possibly the funkiest beat ever and some hilarious lyrics hating on record labels and Bill O'Reilly featuring Pinnochio (seriously).
A more Serious song one of the best as far as rhymes are concerned:
Last but not least is my favorite song of his just because the beat is so intense:
15 years ago
check out wombstrecha, local hip hop act. hilarious.
ReplyDeleteis it actually good or just funny.
ReplyDeletelol holy shit i just listened to sound proof van and what the hell